Wisdom Heart Healing
Sylvia Zofia Hartowicz, PhD, ATR-BC

Sacred Seed Summit 2014
Friday, January 3, 2014, 11am-7pm
It's a new year, a new moon, and a potent time for sowing new seeds of intention for the coming year so that it will be as amazing, joyful, fulfilling, prosperous, and magical as you can imagine it to be.
Perhaps you are starting a new business or big project, following a creative calling, getting married, or are ready to start a family.
This workshop features a blend of intellectual, somatic, creative, and spiritual activities designed to get you extremely clear on what you're wanting to birth in 2014.
We will laser-focus our intentions for 2014 and use the medicines of yoga & meditation, group coaching & journaling, guided visualization, expressive arts, sacred space, ritual & prayer, and community sharing circle to fully activate our intentions and send them off to the Great Spirit and our ancestors to be delivered to us with ease and grace.
This is the intention setting gathering for the Bay Area community of visionaries, light-workers, change-makers.
Lead by Regina Gelfo, Sylvia Hartowicz, and Anna Swisher with special musical accompaniment by Josh Morrill.