Wisdom Heart Healing
Sylvia Zofia Hartowicz, PhD, ATR-BC
Transformational Coaching
We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges and to help each other move through the many painful episodes of our lives. By remaining stuck in the power of our wounds, we block our own transformation. We overlook the greater gifts inherent in our wounds- the strength to overcome them and the lessons that we are meant to receive through them.
- Carolyn Myss
Our wounds and our stories keep us from living the life we want. As stated so beautifully here by Carolyn Myss, it is entering into the wound that brings us our greatest strengths. It is uncovering our stories and understanding the origin of our pain that brings forth insight and transformation. Transformational coaching focuses on helping you uncover the blocks that keep you from manifesting the things you want in life. Whether it is finding the relationship of your dreams or creating a thriving business, it is your core wounds and stories that are blocking the energy of these blessings from showing up. With transformational coaching we will delve into your stories to uncover beliefs that are keeping you stuck. You will identify these blocks, release them, and create new ways of being that allow you to love yourself more fully. Support as you step into your new future will be provided every step of the way so that you are successful in creating the life you want.
Sylvia Hartowicz, PhDc, has received extensive training and experience as a life coach through Landmark Education. As a coach and head coach for the Self Expression and Leadership program, she supported participants in living an authentic life and successfully creating inspiring community projects. In addition, Sylvia has gained many relevant skills for transformational coaching in her Art Therapy and East West Psychology education.
Focused Coaching Packages for
Healing and Transformation:

Find the Relationship of Your Dreams
Many of us have stories about why we don't deserve love. Where do these stories come from? Why do our patterns in relationship seem to repeat themselves over and over? What can we do to shift how we show up in relationship? How can we attract the kind of love that we want?
Transformational coaching that focuses on creating intimate relationships provides an opportunity to shift the patterns that have kept you alone and dissatisfied in love. With guidance and support, you can delve deep into understanding what is keeping you from having the relationship that you want. With new insight and clarity, you can take the steps that are needed to allow the flow of love into your life. Using creative exploration, guided meditation, and individualized rituals, you will be able to call in the relationship that you want into your life.
Commit to a 10 week coaching package for a breakthrough in your love life. Make the choice today to create the love relationship you deserve!
Manifest a Shift in Your Career
Do you feel dissatisfied in your career? Do you know that there is something else that you want to be doing with your life but you don't know how to make the shift? Does it feel like your life has a higher purpose but you don't quite know what that is or how you would implement it into your everyday life?
Transformational coaching will help you get clear on your purpose and how you can live a life alligned with your truth. You will create a clear plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. This will take getting out of your head and into your heart and your body to listen to a deeper wisdom of what it is that your soul wants you to do. You will need to rewrite old scripts and commit to making changes. Although there may be challenges, if you follow the thread and trust your intuition, the outcome will be the joy and fulfillment of living the life you want.
Commit to a 10 week coaching package for a breakthrough in your career. Make the choice today to step into a future of living the life you want!
Create a Community Project that Makes a Difference
Do you have a great idea but don't know how to make it happen? Have you been trying to do it all on your own but you keep realizing that you need help? Are you stuck in not knowing how to connect with others to get the support you need?
Everything is available in community. The project that you want to manifest can happen if you allow community to create it with you. Receive transformational coaching to move through the blocks that keep you from trusting and reaching out to others to receive help and support. Find out what's available when you reframe your intention for your project and focus on how it can make a difference for others. As we work together to create a plan for manifesting your project, you will work through any blocks along the way as you watch your vision unfold.
Commit to a 10 week coaching package to create a project that will not only transform you but also your community. Make the choice today to make a difference in the world!